Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It would be nice to escape the health system in one's old age. The trick is to how to do it? My wife and I were at a Clinic today; I was giving blood and my partner got a good report from her Doctor in St. Isidore. We celebrated by having lunch in Muir's bakery in Maxville. The sun shone on us all. The quarter-mile lane was treacherous, filled with ice and snow. Don't live on a hill...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Crackers are a thing of the past...

We were blessed at the holidays by having our grandchildren visit the farm. They are growing-up and getting smarter by the minute. We were pleased to be remembered by them. Of course they love dressing-up and listening to stories of olden times.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Music and Reading

Here are some book ideas for the holidays. Anything by Lionel Davidson if you like high adventure such as Kolymsky Heights, The Sun Chemist and The Night of Wenceslas. For music lovers I found a handy Musician's Guide to Reading and Writing Music by Dave Stewart, a writer and rock muscian. For those that are feeling the cold try reading Love in a Cold Climate by Nancy Mitford. If you have an interest in Clocks and Watches, Eric Bruton has written an interesting History; well illustrated and most informative. For the artists out there try the book called Colour by Victoria Finlay; everything you want to know about paint and pigments.

Keep on reading...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Views from the Alfred Bog

We are proud supporters of anything to do with wetlands. We are honorary owners of a part of the Alfred bog. It is one of the most peaceful parts of Ontario. The pictures might help in appreciating what a precious resource our protected lands are. Become involved in saving the landscape from endless exploitation at the expense of the environment. We are one of the few owners of land in Eastern Ontario that is still forested and wetland protected. Agri-business is intent on cutting down every tree and hedgerow and polluting all our water with fertilizers and pesticides. So sad... carbon dioxide in the world needs to be reduced to save the planet.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Glenn Gould's perfect piano obsession

Enjoyed reading a book about Glenn Gould entitled A romance on three legs; Glenn's search for the perfect concert grand. The author is Hafner; sorry can't remember her first name but I know she is a writer for the New York Times. The book was a great read and I couldn't wait to buy some of Glenn's recordings. I hope to learn to enjoy music by Arnold Schoenberg.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

50th Anniversary of RMC Grauduation 2009

This puppy is in the limelight and enjoying all the attention. My sister couldn't resist the charm of this pleaser. I paid a flying visit to RMC Kingston, my old college, last Wednesday and enjoyed a walkabout the grounds. It was an opportunity to see the place without thousands of others competing for photo opportunities. I am proudly wearing my teeshirt, a memento of our visit.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sun shines on Glengarry, Ontario

We attended a moving memorial service earlier this month. It was the first time we had sat up in the balcony seats, a bird's eye view for a change. Of course there was a piper who played a lament and the singing of Glengarry My Home. The sun shone brightly on a cemetery that was a blaze of colour with all the flowers at the gravestones.

Just finished reading an article entitled 'The origin of Jarndyce and Jarndyce' by Gary Watt. Professor Watt is a popular law lecturer at the University of Warwick in the UK. The author compares the plot of Bleak House by Charles Dickens to the Grimms' fairy tale of 'Jorinda and Jorindel'. Guess which story has the happy ending? Professor Watt quotes Aristotle who spoke out for the virtue of resisting our personal rights and entitilements. In modern English it is called equity, the true end of justice.